Spunky... with a dash of salt.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

So much has happened

Yeah, I haven't posted anything in nearly 2 weeks. I need to get back into posting daily, especially since so much has happened.

1) Ex and I had a dinner party where I cooked Thai food for friends. Bizarrely, he acted like we were still together and the last 9 months had never happened. Then after they were all gone and I went to give him a hug for such a nice evening, he acted like I was covered in sewage. Ah well. Life goes on.

2) I interviewed for a job with a tech company in the city. I don't need a job, as my consulting business seems to be stabilizing and I'm not hurting financially. Hopefully I'll get to add them as a client rather than go full time.

3) Cooking dinner for friends tomorrow night. Actually, this is more of a gig, than a freebie thing. Someone at one of my dinners told me I should cook professionally. I graciously took the compliment, but I didn't realize he had been the executive chef for Mecca, a higher end restaurant in San Fran!!! So I'm going to start cooking for small dinner parties and pairing it with wine. Hence the name, Wine Me Up, Thai Me Down. Napa is always looking for something unique when entertaining, and this will be a unique twist on just another catered dinner.

4) Accidentally walked in on my ex having sex last night. That was truly a weird experience.

5) I'm house sitting in Oakland at friends. I don't know what it is with me and big dogs. They have two Bernese (sp?) Mountain Dogs. They have BIG fur. I mean HUGE fur. They could run around the house and their coats will clean everything, assuming the don't shed.

6) I've got the dollar amount that I'm going to have my lawyer give to my ex as part of the buyout terms. He will go ballistic, and refuse. I'm expecting that. He still thinks I'm going to sign over title, remain on the mortgage, move out and take a couple of thousand dollars. Umm... okay. Maybe after I've been lobotomized. So I'm going to have to file for partition, which will force the sale of the house and a judge will decide how to split the remaining monies. So my next few months are going to be a tad stressful.

B and I are doing okay. The distance is beginning to get frustrating, but with everything else going on in my life, starting a real relationship would be too distracting. Hopefully I will get some of this situated by the time that B actually finds something here in the US.

Okay... it's late and I need to get to bed. I'm driving up to Calistoga tomorrow and will have to stop by the house to pick up some things for the dinner I'm cooking. Here's hoping that my ex isn't having any more house guests.


Blogger dpaste said...

That is a lot. Hang in there with B, I know it's tough but I'm rooting for you guys.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Trinity2 said...

Good luck on the house thing - I feel your pain - I went through similar with my ex only I fought to keep and won. I still live in it 7 years later. (they can pry the deed out of my cold, dead fingers as far as I'm concerned ;-)

10:28 AM  
Blogger Sue said...

Man, you have lots of stuff going on. It's got to be so painful and difficult being there with the ex and Brenton so far away. Hang tough, we are all pulling for you and Brenton.

Those Mountain dogs are big and fluffy and sweet.

12:50 PM  

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