Spunky... with a dash of salt.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Oblivious... and one hell of a weekend

I did it. I sent the last of the information off to my lawyer, so there will be a formal letter in the mail by Thursday detailing the terms of the buyout for my portion of the house. I have that same sinking feeling you get just as you start to crest the first drop on a roller coaster. That excited "oh sh*t" feeling.

My ex, however, is still completely oblivious to the whole thing. He asked me this evening when I was moving out, and if I'd have a prorated portion of the taxes, etc. This is going to get so ugly on Friday or Monday, whenever that letter arrives.

Which is fine, because I have to leave the house this weekend because his aunt and uncle are coming to visit. I asked him if he could at least spare me $40 to pay for meals since I'm not allowed to come home and eat. I figured this is fair, since I'm having to pay to be elsewhere instead of my own house. He looked at me like I had a fetus growing out of my head. I told him to forget it.

Which segues me into the real topic of this post! My upcoming weekend. Since I've agreed to be out of the house this weekend, I figured I should do something fun. And as fortune and fate would have it, Justin, a friend of mine with whom I ran the Bay to Breakers naked, emailed me and asked if I wanted to drive down to Temptation Ranch with him for the weekend! I couldn't believe my luck! Now, now. Brenton is in the Gold Coast of Australia on a paid holiday, getting to romp around and do all sorts of fun stuff and get paid. I'll definitely be taking him there when we're both in the same time zone! Lounging in the lake in the summer would be quite nice. [NOTE: This pic is from the website for the Ranch. I don't know who it is, and I'm only using it because it doesn't show his face so I don't have to worry much about rights. But hell, with abs like that who cares what his face looks like!!)

I plan on taking my camera and I will be back with something worth posting on this site. I'm sure you all are as tired of this long drawn out text and drama as I am. Oh, and I'll be sure and leave the lube and Advocate Men magazines in the guest bathroom. Who knows, maybe uncle and aunt Ex will want to get frisky while I'm gone!!


Blogger dpaste said...

Hehehe, you are an evil child.

11:00 AM  
Blogger Sue said...

"Temptation Ranch" huh? Looks pretty tempting to me. ;)

6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So did you go to Temptation Ranch the weekend after your post, or are you going for Labor Day weekend? Curious to know how it was, if it was last weekend. If it's LD weekend, I guess we'll see you there. bronsam@mac.com

6:11 AM  

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